Saturday, 25 August 2012

New computer, SATs, and 'best friends'.

I think I could turn my life into a RomCom.

I kid with you not, my life is turning more and more into a film as we speak. What with the countless number of people who have asked me out, one of my best friends who is treating me more like a 'crush' than a platonic friend, and all of the stressful situations that arise on the horizon.
Honestly, I don't know what to think any more. I used to think that all of these people were ridiculous to like me as more than a friend - because honestly... What's to love? I'm a nerd, I don't go out very much, and I'm a bit of a loser. I'm not exactly ZOMG GORGEOUS either.
So, I really don't know.
There must be some kind of endearing quality about me, as someone recently professed their love to me via. Facebook, another by Facebook chat, another by a messaging service, and another through face-to-face. That's in the last month. I also know that ANOTHER guy has a habit of getting drunk and spewing random nonsense about me being fantastic to people who don't want to hear it.
Then I had all the stress about getting a job (which I no longer have, success!), monetary costing of the United States and whether going is or is not a possibility, this whole 'guy situation', school and grades needing improvement and blah blah blah blah blah.

Regardless of all of my 'problems', life is pretty good, though. I have a nice group of friends, my SAT revision isn't terrible, and I have a job! Oh, and a new beast computer. :D


Thursday, 23 August 2012

'We'd like to take you on.' I'M EMPLOYED

Hollister  FAILED
Republic  FAILED
Build-a-bear Workshop SUCCESS
Ah, so today I finally got the phone-call I had been hoping, praying, wishing and dreaming for. I had finally got a job.
And it's one at BUILD-A-BEAR. How cool is that?
I mean, working in a toy-store. I've always thought that would be awesome; and working in one as truly amazing as build-a-bear? Wow. Honestly? Thought I'd messed it up.

Apparently not!

So they called today and told me that they'd like to 'take me on', and I was all 'IAJSDFUSEURGSIJDRF THANK YOU!!!!!!!11111111!!!'
Playing it cool, Kat. Playing it cool.

They're going to phone me next week after they've figured out when people are going to start and stuff so that I know when I'm going to start and then I can do the training and be on an official payroll and be all official employee and stuff so weeeeeeee!

It's also obviously a HUGE relief to know that I can start earning some money of my own - I can actually have some spending money for uni, guys! And I'll have some work experience, so that'll make getting a job at uni far easier itself!

I've got a lot more to write, about friends and whatnot, but it's already 11:41pm and I am poopered.
Will write again tomorrow, so goodbye for today, internet guys!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Third time lucky? Also, AS RESULTS GYAHHH

Let's test the theory.

So tomorrow I have yet another job interview! Yes folks, but this one's at Build-a-bear. I feel like soon I will have seen the storage rooms of many of the shops in town. Never mind, eh?
I hope I get this one, but I guess that goes without saying. I'm just going to have to be really enthusiastic; emphasise my work with young children (as the student support rep, a fundraiser, an inclusion rep, participating in organising enrichment, eg.) and hope that it pays off.
I can only wish and eventually I'll get lucky.
Here's a message to all of you people who are looking for jobs. KEEP TRYING. Interviews do keep coming up, you just have to look like everywhere for them.
Eventually, EVENTUALLY, you strike gold.

"I'll grow wings and I'll fly."

On the 16th of August (YESTERDAY), I got my AS results. Surprisingly they were better than I thought they would be!
I got an A in Business Studies (Like a baws), a C in English Literature and two D's in Biology and Chemistry. Obviously I'm resitting all but Business, because I know I can do better - but they're definitely NOT U's!

I knew from the very outset that I could have tried harder. If I'm honest, the A in business was a shock. But I also know that I'm perfectly willing to try harder from now on. It should be better - this time next year, hopefully you'll be hearing about an AAAA. Or an AAAB. Or something similarly high and awesome. Like me.

Not that I'm high. Woops. Really, I'm not.

On a completely different topic, I have a fantastic idea for a book on Wattpad. Normally, my projects expand and become too large to complete- so I am to keep this as more of a Novella; which has the prospect of having a sequel or two. It's going to be based on a series of manga books; character names and some events changed.
It's going to be fluffy. Romantic. Not that I'm romantic. The stuff people like to read on Wattpad! Could be super sweet.


Monday, 6 August 2012

Job Interview #2

Annnnnnnd action.

So last year I told you allll about my failed interview at Hollister. Boo. BUT, good news is that I have an interview at Republic tomorrow!

One of my god knows how many was actually successful on the first working day after I submitted it.

Now, due to form, I'm obviously PETRIFIED.
Ah well, I'm going to go and do my 'homework' for my piano lessons that I should have already done ages ago.
Because that's so like me.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Woes of unemployment

Today I applied for a horrendous number of jobs. Not one, not ten. Heck, not even twenty. It must have been at least twenty-five, and I can almost guarantee that they're all going to come back in the negative. Much to my disgust.

Last time I went job hunting (around this time last year, actually), I found that actually I didn't need the money. The reason I wanted to work was because I finally could. I was old enough to have a national insurance number, old enough to manage my time... Heck, old enough to get out of the house and meet new people!
...Yet, as I'm sure you know, without work-experience, jobs are few and hard to come by.
So I gave up.

With university in the States on the horizon, I've realised that actually, money (and experience) is going to be an issue. Not only do Americans have bad public transport (compared to something like the UK bus system), but it means that I'm going to have to learn to drive, and buy, a motorised vehicle. I'm currently angling towards a scooter. Cheap, quick to learn, easy to buy, drive and care for. Simples.
But I have to get the money in the first place.

If I stayed in the UK, I would take out a student loan and use my 'college fund' per-say, for accommodation and social stuff like transport. In the States, I can't do that. I have to pay up front because I'm international and stuff.
Of course, I my family can still afford this, but due to the fact that my dad is going to have a larger hand in my finances, social stuff will become more tricky. 'Where did this money go?' or 'What was this?' will become common questions upon meeting, and the only way I can think of to avoid this is to have my own resources.
Hence the job.

Oh, and international students can't get jobs anywhere apart from on campus, and I really need to be working whilst I'm at university. Therefore, I need experience to give me the largest opportunity for employment.

So yeah. I've applied everywhere. From TGI's to Pizza Hut, to Next to Debenhams. E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. 
If they have a position going in a place I can travel to from my house relatively easily, I've applied for it, no doubt.

If not one of them gets back to me, I know that the 'work god' out there in the world hates me with a passion.

And of course, I'll know that I'm royally screwed.


Thursday, 2 August 2012


Okay so this is probably going to be a short but ranty post... Then again, maybe not.
So, I got out of the shower a couple of minutes ago (quick, get the thought out of your head, perverts!), and waiting for me was a card? I was really confused, because it's the second of August, and my birthday's in March, (5 months ago) and Christmas is in about five months time too. ANYWAY, upon opening said confusing card, I discovered that it is a 'belated birthday card' (with a tenner in it), from the guy mentioned in this post.
Just gonna go ahead and say that he's probably not doing that good of a job of getting over me, huh?

Sure, I guess it's thoughtful?? Maybe?? But to me, it seems like he's trying to buy me? Trying to say, you know what, here's a card and some money, now text me back.
The weirdest thing is that it was definitely posted through my letterbox, as there is no stamp, no address. It's quite clear that he came to my house, dropped it, and left again.
I feel a little bit stalked. 
Am I overreacting? Maybe I am. But it just seems really unsettling and rather awkward. I'm not entirely sure how to respond - maybe I'll just respond 'thanks for the card' in a quick text message, ignoring the usual pleas for attention in the form of 'how do you stay so strong all the time?' or 'talk to me please', 'have I ruined our friendship?'(what friendship???) or even the occasional 'hi x'.
This guy should probably have guessed by now that I don't really want to talk to him. 
TAKE A HINT, BOY. (As my business teacher would shout.)

Ah Mr. Valance, where would we be without your constant inappropriate drug / sexual orientation based jokes?
(eg. 'Do that worksheet like you did heroin last night!'
or... '"But- Mikey, I thought what we had was special?" "Sir, I'm not gay." "Oh, but I was sure- never mind."')

Speaking of stalkers and stuff, did you see what Rileyy_69 (-cough- CHAV -cough-) sent to Tom Daley (bad-ass British Olympic diver)? Outrageous. Someone shoot the kid.
...With a bb gun of course. Or not.
Mmm. Mr. Somerhalder.
On the plus side, my migraine's gone! Mainly, anyway!

I've got a pretty awesome idea for a fan-fiction / original fiction involving superheroes. Hm. I've already developed a superhero in the past... Maybe I'll just use her for this? Or do I want to do it more about super villains? Perhaps I could even corrupt my superhero into a villain!
Decisions, decisions.
Hey, wouldn't it be cool if you read this, and then I wrote a best-seller? This, superhero novel, became a best seller? You'd have been one of the first people to read something by the most epic author on Earth.
Give yourself a pat on the back. c:
I'm working on a project with maybe (depending on whether he cops out or not) the assistance of Adam (him again?), for other budding authors. 
Basically, we know how hard is is for authors to get started on original fiction of their own. We're basically providing the 'stepping-stone' for this process, if you like.
We're creating a world for the sole use of fan-fiction writers. We've got a map of a whole new world, a back-story for this same world, a logical reason as to why the supernatural (eg. Vampires and werewolves) exist (for people who like writing in that genre), and a hierarchy of power. We're currently developing a time-line of events that affect the ruling of the country / empire; as well as the country / empire itself; a number of characters that people can choose to use in their own writing, and the development of scenery and society.
Neat huh?
The idea, in the end, is to have a 'book' you can 'buy' (download) from the kindle store, and from the 'iBooks' store that contains...:
  • A map
  • A back-story of the world - where is it in connection to the Earth, why does it exist, how is it sustainable?
  • Descriptions of the provinces in a large amount of detail.
  • Characters- their origins and thus personalities described and explained in the form of short fictional extracts.
  • Minor characters, named, aged, gender and loosely described. Designed to be moulded by the writer.
The idea is that people can download this for FREE and begin a fantasy writing adventure. We'll want to create a tag for 'tumblr' where people can search for other chapters of stories other people are writing, get in contact with either 'fanfiction' or 'fictionpress' and get them to open a category for it, and watch it evolve. If all goes well, people should become a tight community revolving around this fantasy world.
Now, people can write whatever they like - they can destroy the empire, or blow up the entire world in a HUGE meteoric display of fireballs raining from the sky. BUT, people can choose to follow set regulations whereby they can create a character and follow the main points of story. If they choose to do so, they can also submit their stories to myself, and whomever else chooses to monitor the project. 
Eventually, we should have a healthy bank of awesome stories. ALL of these will be accredited in another free book that we will publish (or their pen-names, anyway) and this will then allow for people to have their name seen by many! We'll put in our extracts in stuff from the previous book - leaving it up there anyway, for people who want to participate again regardless of the deadline - in the new one, and add bits of other people's stories, corresponding to the timeline.
We should end up with an awesome fantasy book, full of loads of different perspectives about the same time period, and get a real, well-rounded view of our fantastical society.
As afore mentioned, the entire project is 100% absolutely and totally free. NO CHARGE NECESSARY. We know that a lot of people who would like to participate would like some kind of reward for doing so, but we can't afford that. And entry fees? We don't want our participants to have to pay!
Cool, huh? I KNOW. I'm a genius.


I think the same song's repeating on my PC over and over again when it's not on repeat? Why is this? ...Oh wait, it is on repeat. Better question then; why didn't I realise this before when I put the music on over an hour ago? I mean Paramore's great, but I've had quite enough of 'Miracle' now.
"LET'S LEAVE THIS ALL BEHINDDDDD-", Indeed Hayley. Let's do that. 

Monday, 30 July 2012

The Past Seven Months

So, over the last seven months, my life has been a enormous pile of shit  little bit busy.
New year happened. That's always fun. It was cold and rainy. That's not so fun. My brother turned fifteen, and that's kind of cool... although he always seems older than that. He's taller than me now, you know. That's a little bit disheartening, but never mind, eh?
Valentines day. Alone. Again. I'm beginning to wonder if my choices in men might be a little bit too picky, but when I'm dating the next 'Robert Pattinson' or 'Alex Pettyfer', you'll be sorry for settling. More cold weather happened; and by now most of my new years resolutions had already been broken.
I turned seventeen! ...It's not a very exciting age, actually. Quite a bit of an anti-climax. It's like when you turn sixteen, and you can suddenly LEGALLY have sex.People who haven't already had sex, however, generally don't change that (at least not immediately), like me. That has also applied with my learning to drive. My provisional license is safely tucked away in my wallet, unused, shiny and new. Another new years resolution was broken.
Next to nothing happened in April. I swear. We had some typical April showers, a little bit of nice weather... but that's the lot. Yay England.
Here's where the fun starts. Revision for exams, mass panic, taking exams, mass panic. We had the typical week that the British call 'summer', and basked in all of it's glory whilst it was here. My mum turned fourty-seven, and I TECHNICALLY finished post:16 year one; dependant of course on whether or not I have to go back and retake the year due to a sheet of U's.
This was the month where we were technically broken up for summer, but we sort of weren't. Finishing post:16 #1, the school immediately decided that it would be good to start teaching us next year's stuff. So whilst year 11's were free, we were not. Until July. Sucks. 
My dad's birthday and father's day were in here somewhere, and I'm pretty sure he was out of the country in either America or Morocco for those. It's a hard life for some.

Oh, and my best friend ambiguously stated that he may or may not like me as more than a friend.
July (The funnest (that's not a word) month of all, and conveniently this one.)
Broke up from school. That was fun, until I got bored about a week later. Now I have nothing to do and spend the vast majority of my allowance on bus passes so that I can go to the central library to slowly but surely work through my Chemistry textbook in peace.
I found out / realised that pretty much all of the male friends I have had (that I have considered somewhat close), have liked / like me as more than a friend. There are also a few that I wouldn't consider friends, merely acquaintances whom have also done so. That's at least nine people (recently).
I don't understand it either Ron, I really don't.
What is even so special about me? I don't even know.
MOVING ON - I've found four universities in England that I am going to apply to in the Autumn! Yes, universities. It has come to THAT time, the time where we begin to consider where I'm going to end up this time next year. That's not scary at all.
Anyway, I'm looking at doing Pharmacology - because it's basically as creative and innovative as Chemistry gets, which is pretty damn sexy. You look at drugs you already have, their physical matter, how they work and what makes them tick, and then you alter the make-up of them slightly and test them again until you get something amazing that could possibly change the world. Like a cure for cancer, or a solution to the desire for immortality. Perhaps even a cure for a zombie disease that could take the world by storm. Who knows? All I know is that it is COOL.
The universities I'm looking at are Kings College London, University College London, Bristol and Bath. They're pretty decent, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for solid D's (at minimum) across the board for my a-levels this year. Maybe then I can grovel ask for my target grades next year to meet the minimum requirements for entry.
I'm actually thinking that it's more likely for me to study in the United States of America.
Yes, seriously.
I've been looking mainly at University of Southern Florida (FL) and the University of Boston (MA), but there are obviously other options as well. As an effect of these considerations, the other day I actually booked my SAT tests (the american acceptance - end of high school - tests, kind of like a-levels but not at all like a-levels in any way). The good news about the SATs is that a lot of the tests are multiple choice (why can't English tests be like that???), but the bad news is that I have to learn maths again for the reasoning test. And not any kind of maths.
American universities also generally don't do Pharmacology as an undergraduate degree. AKA, I would have to take Chemistry or Biochemistry or Biomedical sciences, and then take Pharmacology as a graduate degree either here or in the USA.
That wouldn't be so terrible, but with Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biomedical sciences in the states comes Physics and Calculus* (*AKA. Super complicated brain wizz maths).
Couldn't agree more, Scotty.
But you know, the USA Further Education system almost looks too good to pass up. These days, as long as you can get a decent scholarship, prices are just as cheap as the UK (Thanks a lot, fee rises!), so now my parents don't see it as so impossible. Obviously, it does rely on my attaining a scholarship, but I'm just going to hope for the best...
I hope they like British people.
I reckon it'll be worth the cracks about my accent, the words I use and the way I do things. American Further Education is far more like an expansion of high school than the English version- you still have very time-tabled classes, and a variety of classes rather than a set of lectures around a specific subject. The sense of team sport - team in general, actually, is quite refreshing as it is / was quite absent in England, unless you go to Oxbridge and partake in something like rowing.
Me. Rowing.
Me. Oxbridge.
In the states, however, they have teams for everything. Both USF and UB have teams for-
Wait for it...
I kid you not. Quidditch. Guess which team I'll be joining!;-)
Probably the biggest downfall about studying in the states, bar the reliance on scholarships and the distinctive addition of maths, is the rooming. Generally you are required to live on campus in the first year - which is obviously fine, I mean where else is a Brit supposed to go?, but you generally have to share a room with someone else.
Obviously individual rooms aren't co-ed - Dorm buildings can be (thank god), but I'm generally not one for getting on particularly well with girls? And I've heard various scare stories and what-not about the types of teenage girls that live in America, and they sound (sorry to say so) worse than English girls.
It's just that I'm not a particularly... well... girlish girl! I'm obsessed with the zombie apocalypse, I love gaming, I don't really care about make-up, nor do I wear it (other than eye-liner), and I haven't had a boyfriend. I'm just not the 'typical' teenage American Girl; and I don't know how that will affect me. Particularly if I have to share a very very small space with someone who is.

In other news...
My dad's also been off with me this month - My mum says it's because I'm going to be moving away (perhaps 3000 miles away) and he isn't particularly fond of that idea. I say that if he's not, surely he should be nicer? :| It's not making me particularly resentful about leaving, that's for suresies.
We don't spend much time together any more, not as much time as he spends with my brother and my sister, anyway. So my mum (who had also noticed this) talked to him, and made him realise that this was true. Then, when he came back from London, when he went for some training thing, he asked me if I should like to go to the new Batman film with him.
Of course I said yes, didn't go with my group of friends, and now this has happened.

"Hey, Kate - it's a bit late, so I think we'll go on Friday, yeah? Friday nights at the cinema are always best."
"I'm a bit tired today, but we'll go tomorrow, I PROMISE."
"I completely forgot that we were going to Oxford today, but we'll go tomorrow, at about two?"
"I'm really tired today, and it's already 11am. But I feel like I'm letting you down - we'll go tomorrow, I PROMISE. I'll go and book the tickets now so that I have no excuse not to go on Monday."
*Doesn't even mention it* It's now 7:50pm.

You see what I mean? He obviously doesn't care that much about spending time with me. If my mum hadn't bought it up in the first place, I probably wouldn't even be thinking about it, but now that she has I can't really shake it from my head. It's just how insignificant he's making me feel. It's getting to me.
But I shall survive.
A friend of mine, Adam, (remember him?) has offered to go with me to see it on Wednesday, and I'm just going to take him up on his offer. He won't bail on me.

People. This, is why I don't ever trust anyone completely. People let you down. The only person you can rely on to get things done the way you want them is yourself, wholly and absolutely.
Pessimistic, perhaps. Realistic, absolutely.

So yep, that's the last seven months. This month is clearly in the most detail, which proves that my memory has a lot of holes and is clearly not very reliable, (which doesn't bode well for results day). If you want to share something with someone to get it off your chest, but most likely want them to forget about whatever it was that you told them, I'm definitely your girl.

One final note-


I wont as that is scientifically impossible, and if it was possible it would hurt like hell. I think receiving a sheet of U's on the 16th of August is going to be painful enough without the excretion of a brick.


Have a lovely summer!

Hunky-dory. Bah.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

New years resolutions part dos - Failed or Succeeded?

Apologies in advance for the absence, and this time it's been a long-un. I'll try not to let it happen again, because I know that you guys would miss my witty awesomeness. No promises though.
Anyway, about what must have been seven months ago now, I made a list. A list of things I'd like to achieve - much like the vast majority of the world - and never really thought I could keep. They were called NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. Here they are once more, and to make things more interesting, I'm actually going to review whether or not I have actually kept to them. Here goes!
-Cough cough-

  • Keep my room clean (Ha. Hahaha. Ha. -Looks at floor covered in things with no clean space in sight- Safe to say I've already failed that one.)
  • Keep on top of my work (Uhm... Relatively? Although due to the fact that it is summer and I currently haven't been set any work, it's difficult to judge whether or not I have succeeded.)
  • Learn to drive (The closest I've gotten is sitting behind the wheel, minding my dad's car whilst he nipped into the Chinese to pick up our food. So no.)
  • Pass my AS Levels (We'll find that one out in about a month's time. YIKES.)
  • Create a increasingly successful Youtube channel (Nope. Still want to, just haven't gotten around to that yet...)
  • Write more original fiction (Hahahahaha, no. Fanfiction, yes. Original? Nope.)
  • Get a job / volunteer (I HAVE VOLUNTEERED. Once. Then quit. For reasons I'm sure will be explained later.)
  • Be cooler than usual (I have decided that this is unquestionably impossible.)
  • Update this blog more than usual (...No comment)
  • In conclusion, so far this year, I have been a failure and kept 0/9 resolutions so far.
    Go me!
    There's much more to say (about what has happened over the past seven months and fo-shnizzle, but I'll put that in a later post, otherwise I'll have nothing to talk about and wont update!

    Sunday, 1 January 2012

    Happy apocalyptic new year!

    This is the year we're all supposed to die- 2012! Not so cheery, but in the same way, kind of exciting! Isn't it?

    ...Maybe i'm just insane. Quite possible!

    So I struggled to come up with 'resolutions' as such today; I actually felt like the things I need to improve on, I'm unlikely to stick to? I don't really have the MOTIVATION to go through and make sure they happen. Therefore, I've come up with something new for this year.

    List of things that I would like to / should do, that may or may not be achieved by the time we're all supposed to die on the 21st of December 2012;

    • Keep my room clean (Yeah, right.)
    • Keep on top of my work (Hahahahaha)
    • Learn to drive
    • Pass my AS Levels 
    • Create a increasingly successful Youtube channel
    • Write more original fiction
    • Get a job / volunteer
    • Be cooler than usual (impossible!)
    • Update this blog more than usual
    There. My list! c:

    Have a wonderful 2012 guys<3